
I’ve been DJing for longer than I can remember because I’m that old and I’ve been doing radio shows for almost as long. After spending many enjoyable years on stations such as NSB Radio and Brap FM, I took a break from radio for a while. But when lockdown happened and Cutters Choice Radio came a-calling, I caught the radio bug all over again. Reconnecting with long lost mates and being part of a new, passionate community was a very positive side-effect of the pandemic and I’ve been loving it ever since. Musically, anything goes but I predominantly play music that makes you want to dance…hopefully.

Outside of radio, I play out from time to time, when clubland hasn’t been closed due to the zombie apocalypse of course. ‘Career’ highlights have included playing and promoting at iconic clubs in London and around the UK; promoting and playing boat parties on the Thames; and playing the occasional corporate event, mates’ weddings, and even one or two 21st Birthday parties! Well, I think they were 21st Birthday parties… they were definitely bars with a young crowd which shows that I’m down with the kids. I drink a lot, and combined with senility it’s a struggle to remember exact details these days.

In my spare time, I am a keen cheesy Wotsits enthusiast and run a barely profitable Golf Sale sign company.

You can catch The Hubie Sounds Lock-In every other Friday at 5pm til 7pm.